Tuesday, February 3, 2009

I LOVE this blogging stuff! :)

I got a call today for the results on my blood work for my liver. The tests couldn't tell them anything, so Friday I have an appointment with a gastrointerologist. I am taking that as a good sign. I think that if it was a bad thing, it would have showed up in my blood work.

Maddy is still doing great potty training. She went to school today with no pullup on and her teacher said she did GREAT! I am so proud! Looks like we are going to have an ice cream date with Maddy soon.

I think I am FINALLY getting used to my new medications. I still hate them because I hate medicine of any kind, but I know I need to take these.

Brian has a friend at one of his jobs and he told Brian that the last few years I have cost him a lot of money so it is time for him to trade me in for a new model. LOL! That guy is going to get a serious butt-kicking when I see him again. He is a good guy and I know he was joking.

I know my last blogs were kind of downers, but that is what is going on in our life right now. It does feel good getting all of this out of me, though. Anyway, at the end of each blog, I am going to write something funny that my kids have said or done in the recent or long ago past. Just to end things on a good note. :)

When Tawni was a little girl, she had the Scooby Doo gang as her imaginary friends. One day she was outside playing and RUSHED in to go pee. She was about 5 or so when this happened. So she is running through my house doing the pee pee dance as she goes and finally makes it to the bathroom. After a few seconds she comes out of the bathroom crying hysterically holding herself so she doesn't pee in her pants, still doing the pee pee dance. I asked her what was the matter, why was she crying, and she said that Fred wouldn't get off the potty so she could go. LOL I think she is going to kill me when she sees I posted this story! I hope that story made you smile just as she makes me smile every day.

1 comment:

  1. Poor Tawni, but I just have to laugh!!

    I'm glad you're getting used to the meds, and yes... you have to take them, young lady! ;) Best of luck with the gastroenterologist.

    Yay for Maddy's potty training success!!
