Wednesday, January 13, 2010

YAY!!!!! I am so happy that we have 3 new people at work. I hope they stay because it will be a lot easier at work with more people to help out. I had to help train one of them. One of the managers was fired for attendance. It's sad, everyone liked him.

I am not sure if I wrote about Maddy but about a month and a half ago, I noticed a lump on her neck. I took her in and we decided to watch it. It didn't go away so I took her in again, and it turned out she had an ear infection, sinus infection and a throat infection and was put on antibiotics. The antibiotics worked but the lump is still there. Her pediatrician thought it was a sign of localized infection. It's still there so he did blood work and a TB test which we have to get the TB test read on Friday. The blood work is checking her WBC which includes cancer... leukemia. I am certain it is not cancer or anything bad. her doc is pretty sure too. So if all the tests come back negative, she is going to be referred to an ENT to see what they think. Next is probably biopsy. Please pray that it goes away.

Loves and hugs!

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