Wednesday, January 21, 2009

YEAH BABY!! I went to my dr appointment today and they did an ultrasound on my neck where the lump is and of my thyroid. The lump is benign and my thyroid looks perfect. So it's not that. BUT that doesn't change the fact that my life insurance application was denied. So I am thinking diabetes. :( Not the best thing to have, but compared to what I thought it might be (cancer) I am welcoming it as a possibility. I had Gestational Diabetes with Maddy so I know how to manage it with diet. And hopefully the extra weight will melt off like it started to with my GD. I am sooooo relieved right now, I am actually GIDDY! LOL
I am still waiting for my lab work from the company that did our physicals so I can go back to the doctor with those results to see what IS going on. My doctor mentioned that most likely it is liver problems, hepatitis or diabetes, because that is what they routinely test for in tests like that. I hope the company hurries and sends me my results.


  1. yay those are way better than cancer any day! Still suck but less scary!

  2. What a relief for the neck to be benign!

  3. Thats great! Hopefully the other tests won't come out too bad.
