Friday, May 8, 2009

Up and down.... up and down. That pretty much sums up my life lately. Just when I think things are back on track, something happens and everything blows up again. Things are good again now, and let's hope things stay good. :)

I still miss facebook and all my friends on there. It's hard to not talk to them. I wish I had written down contact info or email addresses before I so hastily deleted my account.

I stopped taking my meds for my diabetes and high cholesterol... DON'T HATE ME!!.... I just couldn't take it anymore. I am such a baby, but every night I would wake up terrified and I don't know why. I would wake up shaking, and freaked out and absolutely terrified. It started when I took my meds, and stopped when I stopped taking my meds. I need to ask about different ones. I know I did BAD by stopping. But those night terrors were unbearable.

I am trying to get over the flu. I have been a sick since Wednesday. I didn't go to work today or yesterday. Plus the stress of a 2 day fight with Brian over the same initial thing didn't help anything.

Haylee has won 2 out of 3 soccer games. Tawni hasn't won yet. Hopefully she can win a game this season. But when the coach doesn't even show up for practice, well, it would be kind of hard to. UGH

Tawni has a new boyfriend. He is in 8th grade. They kissed for the 1st time today and it was his first kiss. Awwww.... NO WAIT!! I am not supposed to be thinking that is cute! She is tooo young! ;)

Haylee's 10th birthday party is coming up and you all can come if you want! It is May 30th at 2PM at my house... 2682 South Melville Drive (8040 W). I am sure we will be serving some sort of food whether it be pizza or hot dogs... I vote PIZZA! ;) I hope you can make it!

I hope you are all doing well. Until next time...

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