Sunday, November 29, 2009

I trust everyone had a fantastic Thanksgiving! I had to work that day and it was sooo fun and crazy busy! We were only open for 4 hours, and I am amazed at how busy we were at Michael's.

When I got home on Thanksgiving, Brian was about to leave to go to WalMart and get in line for a big screen TV. Just when I was dozing off at around 1:30 AM, he text me and said that I need to get down there now. So I got dressed again and went down and waited in line for him while he went shopping. He was first in line to get a TV, and he didn't want to lose his place so I sat for him. Luckily for me I know people that work there because Brian does, so I had company for the time I was there. :)

After I left WalMart I went home to get the girls so we could go get free snowglobes from JCPenney. I then dropped the kidlets at home and went to Bed, Bath and Beyond and then to my work. I didn't get to sleep til about 8:30 AM and was supposed to wake up an hour later to take the kids to the parade, but missed it. I woke up at 2 PM so I could be to work at 3. I have been so tired lately.

Things haven't changed with Brian and I. It's still the same. I wish things weren't this way. I miss him like CRAZY! See... I am getting teary-eyed just thinking about it. *sigh*

1 comment:

  1. Here is a book I highly recommend. You guys could read it separately or together. Don't let the name scare you away. It really helped me get a better understanding of how men think and what they need. Also about how we as women have most of the power in the relationship and how to change it for the better.

