Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Surprise surprise!! Here I am again after quite a few months! I hope your summer was fabulous!

Right after my last post, Haylee turned 10. She is growing up so fast and getting more and more beautiful everyday. On May 28th, the day after her birthday, she had her last soccer game. She had been feeling poorly lately so she knew she wouldn't play, but she wanted to go to support her team and to get her trophy. When we arrived at the park, she took 3 steps into the parking lot, her lips turning blue, she complained that she couldn't breathe, so we skipped the game and opted for urgent care instead. When we got back to the room, she was still having difficulty breathing, and so they wanted to get her oxygen intake measured and it was in the very low 80's, which ideally, is in the 90's, so they gave her a breathing treatment and it did not help at all. They then put her on an oxygen mask and that didn't help much either. They did x-rays of her chest and found, as every doctor who has seen it, a very "impressive pneumonia". She was taken by ambulance to PCMC and was admitted for 5 days. During that time I managed to biff it in the hallway and hurt my knee, LOL! When she was admitted to Primary's, she was on 10 litres of oxygen a minute just to keep her comfortable. She went home on oxygen and was on it for about 2 and a half weeks just during the night when her levels would dip back into the mid 80's again. She was only on 1 litre of O2 a minute when we finally came home. We had to reschedule her birthday party, since she was at PCMC during the day it was supposed to happen. Poor girl, but she had a fun party.

A few days after Haylee was discharged I started feeling really weird and started having severe pain all over my body. I don't know what happened but I could hardly move without being in intense pain. Every single part of my body hurt so bad. I was having chest pain, and poor Brian thought I was having a heart attack, although I knew I was not, and he took me to the ED. They gave me my first shot of morphine and it! I fell asleep watching Phinneas and Ferb on the Disney Channel and woke up mad at Brian asking him why he changed the channel, and he told me that, LOL, I had been asleep for about 4 hours! My heart was fine, like I knew it was, but really didn't know what was wrong with me, so they gave me muscle relaxers, anti-inflammatory pills and lortabs to help with the pain. It helped tremendously, and it also put me to sleep for about 20 hours a day. Thank GOD for Tawni. :) About 3 weeks later, the pain disappeared just as fast as it came. Weird. No problems with it since.

Maddy turned 4 on July 6th. :( She is my baby and it makes me so sad to see how fast she is growing! But it is NOTHING compared to the sad I feel when I think about Tawni being in JR HIGH!!!! AHHHHHH! How did this happen??? She turns 13 on the 30th of this month and I am not knowing how to handle this. She is a wonderful kid and we are very close, And I hope and pray it doesn't change. Anyway, Maddy is a very funny little girl. There is not one day that she doesn't have me in stitches! I love her soooo much!

At the end of July, My poor Haybee baby started getting ill again. Same symptoms as before so we made a trip up to Primary's in the middle of the night, bypassing the trip to another ED, because they would just have transferred her up here anyway. She woke up crying saying that she couldn't breathe. Tawni was sleeping at her friends house, so I had to take Maddy with me, which I never hope to have to do again. Haylee ended up being admitted again for 4 days. They did an x-ray again and compared it to her May x-ray when she had the "impressive pneumonia" and decided she had a viral infection that caused to have an asthma attack, which prior to this, she had never had. Her O2 was down in the low 80's again, but bounced back rather quickly. I hope this is not something we have to do every few months. When she was admitted this time she was on 6 litres a minute.

Brian ran off the road in his semi a few weeks ago, and thank GOD he wasn't hurt. He did say to me when he got home that he needs to cut back at WalMart and asked me to find a job. Today I was hired to work at Michael's in West Valley City (Come see me!!!)

As I mentioned before, Tawni started Jr High this year and at first she was so scared. It took her a few days to get the hang of opening her locker and she carried a map of the school with her for 2 weeks so she could be certain she wouldn't get lost. LOL She likes school as much as any other kid. Her boyfriend that I mentioned in a previous post broke up with her but 2 days later had another one. OY! When he found out her and her ex broke up he moved in quick. He said he needed to try before he missed his chance and someone else got her, LOL! He has liked her a long time. They were in elementary school together.

Haylee is in 5th grade and absolutely LOVES school. She just barely went back on track Tuesday and was itching to be back in school the whole time she was off track. Could a boy have anything to go with that???? Hmmmm...... :) When she was in the hospital this last time, the Dr and I talked about her HUGE tonsils and whether she should do a sleep study. She snores soooooo bad and sooooo loud that we wonder if it is hindering her in getting a good nights sleep. We think maybe a tonsillectomy is in order and her pediatrician is in agreement. We have a follow up on her asthma on Oct 2 so we will see about getting a referral to an ENT.

Maddy started 4 year old Preschool today. Yesterday she met her new teacher who is just a cute person. I have a feeling that Maddy will love her just as she did her last year teacher.

As for me, I am good. I have had a cold for about 3 weeks which is starting to get better,finally! In May when Haylee got sick I was sick also with a pneumonia and bronchitis. I lost my voice which was so hard trying to communicate with the people taking care of her in the hospital. My voice has mostly left again, which my eldest daughter thinks is funny. I have been having problems with my tonsils, I will spare you the yucky details about that but Brian and I think they need to come out. I wonder if Haylee and I get ours out at the same time, if we get a group discount! HAHA! I have taken it upon myself to write a few childrens books which I am planning on it being a series. I have a plan for a tween/teen book and a book for adults. We will have to see how that goes. :)

Brian and I are still together, we are taking it one day at a time. Things are going well. ;) I have gone with him to work 2 times this summer, once to Idaho and once to Wyoming. No more rides though until after Memorial Day 2010... company policy...BLAH!

I think that is the BIG news for us this summer. At a later time, I will update with pictures and more littler stories. Now that we have internet again, I can do that, ya know! ;)

I hope I haven't made any of you think I disappeared. No internet makes my blog quite boring, don't you think? You can still text me anytime, 801-205-4090. If you called me you probably would hear what I can only describe as a seal's bark coming from my mouth. So, yeah, text instead. Ü

Love and Hugs,

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