Wednesday, November 4, 2009

I cannot believe that Halloween is already over. This year is totally flying by. Even more so now that I am working.
My job is great. I really like it.

My Uncle Gene passed away on Monday morning. His funeral is Thursday and Friday. He was a great man. He was my grandma's brother.

My sister Meagan had a baby yesterday. I am not sure of she still is right now, but this morning she was in NICU for pneumonia. She is adorable. I can't meet her until we get back from down south.

1 comment:

  1. Hey, woman! I've been pretty lousy at keeping in touch lately, but I have been following your blog. I'm glad to hear that Haley's knee is doing so much better, and that things are improving for you at work. My condolences on the loss of your uncle. Hope all else is going well. Love you!
