Brian surprised me with tickets to see Boyz II Men in Wendover, and we went last Friday night. It was AWESOME!!!! I love them so much! Brian also surprised me with tickets to see them when we first started dating. The concert was good and I really enjoyed myself. There were a few girls a few rows in front of us that ruined our view by standing in our way the whole time. I think they were doing it to be snots.
My mom watched the girls while we were out of town and I am very unhappy with how things were handled there. Tawni and Haylee both have asthma. My mom said she only smokes outside. Well, Haylee texted me about 4 am on Saturday morning saying Tawni could not breathe. So I called her and told her to tell my mom. My mom has experience with kids with asthma, because my sister has it. So Tawni went to tell my mom and my mom brushed her off for 2 HOURS!!!!!! She told her to blow her nose and go to sleep. She didn't hear wheezing like my sister gets. So finally after Tawni started crying, (which she never does unless she is SERIOUSLY not feeling well) and Haylee saying Tawni couldn't even talk anymore cuz it hurt her chest too much, my mom finally decides to take her..... HOME!!! I told the girls she needs the ED and she finally decided to take her to the ED.... AFTER she goes DOWNSTAIRS to smoke a cigarette first. I am so mad that she needed a SMOKE BREAK all while my daughter can't breathe!! The doctor checked her O2 levels and they were good but he heard wheezing through his stethoscope when he listened to her lungs. He gave her a treatment and another inhaler. She is fine now, but it seems like I can't trust anyone with my kids. My mom feels bad, but the fact that she lied and said she only smokes outside now, and the fact that she had to smoke before taking Tawni to the ED.... well, I am not too happy.
Today was fashion disaster today at Tawni's school. I think she did good.....

Haylee went on a field trip today and her teacher texted me a picture of her rock climbing. Looks like she did great and she said it was not hard even with her acrylic nails on.

Maddy needed to go potty the other night and Haylee was in the bathroom and Maddy started pounding on the door saying, "Haylee let me in! I need to go potty!
I need to get the living crap outta me!" haha!!
I can tell my kitten Shiloh is not feeling good. For the last few days he has not been himself. I hope he feels better soon.